The Farm
Our farm is located at beautiful Sapphire Beach just seven minutes from Coffs Harbour and 10 minutes to Woolgoolga. We are lucky enough to be on 22 acres, close to beaches and bush land.
The property has been in our family for five generations. Whilst the property has not always been farmed, previous generations had used the land for cattle, timber and vegetables.
Great great grandson of the original family, Darren Smith, is the farmer at New Life Farm. The farm now produces 100% organically grown, chemical and spray free produce, eggs, compost, biochar, seedlings, as well as providing consultancy and training services to the community.
The farm has been designed following permaculture principles and is managed using holistic management practices. This is our process where we aim to integrate the land, people, resources and the environment to simulate patterns and structures that occur in natural ecosystems, working with rather than against nature and within a closed loop, no waste system.
As we approach our 5th year, we continue to build the farm in line with our vision to create a space where we can learn, share what we learn, regenerate the landscape, produce delicious, nutrient dense food and be an integral part of our local community.
Darren Smith
The Farmer
Darren is the passionate driver behind New Life Farm. Returning to Coffs Harbour after a period of traveling and working away, Darren came back to the family property with a dream to transform the land.
Being a passionate foodie, Darren's realisation for the farm came after discovering that quality, nutritious food was hard to source. He started experimenting growing a few veggies and herbs which led to a thirst for knowledge in farming and agriculture.
Darren is a forever student of permaculture, natural farming, soil biology, holistic management and animal husbandry.
Darren is supported by his parents, Helen and Paul whom also live on the farm, along with his partner Alice.
'Farmer Daz' has a strong connection with nature and is thrilled that he is fulfilling his dream of bringing 'new life' to an old farm.
Image credit: Seen Australia